Whole 30, Day Seven

Aaaaaaah.  One week done!  First, let’s hit the eats:

016Breakfast:  2 fried eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, sauteed mushrooms, and coffee.  Coffee?  Yes.  I wanted to see if I could drink a cup with no stevia or cream.  While I loved the smell of it, I had to choke it down and didn’t finish it.  It turns out that I love the smell of it, hate the taste of it.  I guess I enjoy the sweetener and cream.


Snack:  I picked up a couple of different flavored Lara bars when T and I went food shopping.  I had wanted to get some to have as snack options (even though I’m not supposed to be snacking).  Hmmm, I did really well last week with not snacking so I’m not sure why I wanted to have snack options.  It’s kind of like a security blanket.  I think I wanted these too because they are sweet.  I might not get them next week.  We’ll see if I can control myself and not eat all of them in one day.  Maybe if I include it with a meal as kind of a dessert instead of snack.

Lunch:  When we got home from shopping and I had all the groceries taken care of all I wanted was cashews and raisins.  That is what I had.

018 I know I should have had more protein and some veggies but this little bowl of nuts and raisins satisfied the craving that I have had all week.  It ended up being enough for my lunch.

Uh-Oh.  Another snack:    002  Late in the afternoon I started to feel hungry again.  Actually, it was when I could start to smell dinner cooking.  Dinner was on the stove for about 4 hours and made the whole house smell so amazing.  It made me hungry.  I had an apple and almond butter.  I’m glad I did have it because our dinner didn’t happen until around 8.

Dinner:   004 Pork Carnitas, half of an avocado, and plantain chips.  Oh. My. Yum.  This was so delicious.  Plantains.  We have to go to a different store to pick these up but it is so worth the trip.  First of all, they are $0.50.  FIFTY CENTS.  Second of all, when they are unripened, they make chips.  When they are over-ripened they make the sweetest little bites imaginable.  Tonight, we went with chips.  I sliced them up thinly and fried them in ghee.  Then I sprinkled garlic salt on them.  They were perfect with the citrus carnitas.  I originally only cooked up one but while I was waiting for T to come down for dinner I ate most of it.  I had to make him another one.

This was the day I was most worried about.  Saturday.  We are accustomed to going out, either to the movies (popcorn) or to dinner.  The boys went off to their friend’s house and we had to manage our W30.  It ended up being easier than I thought it would be.  I did have one moment in a Petco where I nearly lost my cool but that was because of incompetent workers mostly.  Normally, I would have come home and calmed myself down with a glass of wine.  This time I just used some colorful language and fried up plantains.  It’s all good now.

We have completed one full week of the Whole 30 now.  It was bumpy the first couple of days but we got through it.  I now have all of my shopping done for next week.  I’m hopeful and excited going into week two.  Not going to lie though, I might have uttered “only 23 more day” once or twice today.  I just need to continue focusing one day at a time.

Mood:  good mood

Felt: shoulder pain migrated to elbow and wrist and was bothersome.  Other than that, felt great

Reward:  35/150

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